Bringing plant-based medicine to life
Biotech startup BioGntx has set itself the goal of demonstrating efficacy and safety of plant-based substances with the application of the most modern, advanced and animal-friendly research techniques in situations of (unmet) medical need of humans and animals.
technologies developed
patients supported daily
Since 2021, BioGntx and its team of specialists have been extensively engaged in testing the first research products based on plant-based substances. In doing so, BioGntx focuses on the following indication areas:
BioGntx spends time developing its own forms of administration of its research drugs and is building strong collaborative relationships with patient organizations and professional associations. A patient registry is being built with over 20,000 patients available to participate in surveys and other forms of scientific research related to BioGntx’s research medication relevant to their medical condition.
Smart Systems Biology approach translating scientific findings into human health modeling for plant based medicines

For centuries, mankind has been convinced of the beneficial effects of substances from plants and herbs naturally present in this world. Compared to the level of evidence of safety and efficacy expected of medicines and remedies today, very few plants and herbs have been sufficiently researched to be considered state-of-the-art. This is regrettable given the great added value these plants can bring to human and animal health. BioGntx is committed to fill this gap in medical science.
Advancing Medical Research through Innovative Administration and Patient Collaboration.
For centuries, mankind has been convinced of the beneficial effects of substances from plants and herbs naturally present in this world. Compared to the level of evidence of safety and effectiveness expected of medicines and remedies today, very few plants and herbs have been sufficiently researched to be considered state-of-the-art. This is regrettable given the great added value these plants can bring to human and animal health. BioGntx is committed to fill this gap in medical science.
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About Us
Liber iriure vix cu, fugit dicat no qui, posse detraxit has cu. Ex sint impedit vim, autem justo oportere no vel. Cu esse tacimates moderatius sed, case iriure imperdiet his ei. Eum nisl discere urbanitas te, nonumes tibique blandit cu eum. Per consul principes similique ea, delicata definitiones mei id. In purt harum sed, aliquid voluptu vulputate per ex, pro te idque esse possit id.
Our Mission
Nemore virtute fastidii quo ei, esse possit nam sea te, qui purto graecis invidunt cu. Mea nusquam apeirian cu, usu at dicta eirmod. Id everti facilisis his, nostro nominati eleifend vel te, an quis meliore has. Id nec quis omnis aliquid. Nonumes medioc nec no, duo an veri nihil denique, solet civibus phaedrum in has. Liber iriure fugit dicat no qui. In purto harum sed.

Doctus propriae erroribus an eam, mel agam modus civibus et, vim solet dissentiet cu velit sanctus mei.
Principal Scientist, Translational Biology
Doctus propriae erroribus an eam, mel agam modus civibus et, vim solet dissentiet cu velit sanctus mei.
Doctus propriae erroribus an eam, mel agam modus civibus et, vim solet dissentiet cu velit sanctus mei.
Principal Scientist, Translational BiologyLorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, detracto efficiantur per in, id decore ponderum legendos sed. Eu qui porro voluptua instructior, labor oporteat partiendo eu duo. Ignota impedit officiis et duo. Ex mei mundi eleifend, nisl justo intelleg quodsi. Est mucius audiam an. Ad sed erat pertinax vituperatoribus. Te vim quo postea possit reprimique, has ex fierent abhorreant scripserit purto euripidis.
Chemistry testing
Electrical signals
Biological evaluation
Toxicological assessment
We are Marity, a leading development and research center. Our dedication and commitment have led us to some of the most important discoveries in the field of neurophysiology and neurophysics
For centuries, mankind has been convinced of the beneficial effects of substances from plants and herbs naturally present in this world. Compared to the level of evidence of safety and effectiveness expected of medicines and remedies today, very few plants and herbs have been sufficiently researched to be considered state-of-the-art. This is regrettable given the great added value these plants can bring to human and animal health. BioGntx is committed to fill this gap in medical science.